Saturday, February 19, 2011

#62: Make the trek up to Observatory Hill

     The Groundhog says that spring will come early this year, and so far I’m pretty happy with how quickly the weather has cooperated! Sunday the weather warmed up to about 52, an enormous difference from the everyday 20’s Charlottesville had been battering through. TJ’s ladies and I had had a wine evening the night before and agreed to get out and be active, so some of us packed picnic lunches and the other half grabbed Take It Away, and we began the journey up Observatory Hill! I’ve attached a map of the area; we found it would have been very helpful after a wrong turn headed towards the nuclear reservoir plant!
            Meagan and I had been up there for ecology labs back in the day, but it was a different trail entirely where we’d experimented. This week, the girls and I walked up the road to the back trails and took the upper one. We literally sat in the middle of the trail to eat our lunches until we felt like fatties and had to step aside when a group of runners came up the path! But we pressed on and made it up to the observatory and the cute little house (Alden House) that’s boarded up there. Check out this article…the professor is my own and apparently this little place is more historic than I imagined! I was so happy the girls and I got to go on the hike…it made me feel super productive and was a great variability in my workout routine! Our next hike is going to be at Crabtree…I’m excited.

"There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing." – Alfred Wainright

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